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Oct 8, 2024

How to Manage Your Time During Busy Seasons

Alisa Slonaker

Learning how to manage your time isn’t just about staying on top of your to-do list, it’s also about reducing stress and improving your mental health so you don’t feel crushed by everything going on in life. By improving your time management, you’ll not only be able to better keep up with your responsibilities but you’ll also have more time to focus on the things that make you happy. Time management is a skill anyone can learn with some helpful tips and practice!

Common Time Wasters and How to Avoid Them

It’s easy to get distracted while trying to focus on being productive. Sometimes when I sit down intending to do my work, I find myself scrolling on TikTok for an hour instead. It can be so easy to fall into the trap of doom scrolling instead of following your schedule which can be a major time waster. While social media can be entertaining or relaxing, it’s crucial to set boundaries. Set time limits for social media usage or use your phone’s screen time feature if you feel unable to limit your social media time yourself. Using a social media schedule to designate specific times for checking social media can also help ensure you don’t fall into the trap of doom scrolling. Procrastination and putting off tasks that feel too overwhelming or boring is another common time waster. While tempting, procrastination will only make you feel worse. To avoid this endless cycle, try breaking down tasks into smaller parts to make them more manageable. Instead of viewing the task as whole, view it as smaller and achievable tasks. Multitasking can also be a surprising time waster. Most people think multitasking helps you be more productive but it actually does the opposite. Trying to do multiple things at once will only

cause you to make more mistakes and ultimately waste more of your time. Try focusing on one task at a time. Give your full attention to one thing before switching and avoid distractions!

The Power of Prioritization

When everything feels urgent, it can be hard to know where to start. Figuring out what’s most important and focusing your time and energy on those tasks first will help you take control of your time and feel less overwhelmed while getting more done. So how do you identify more important tasks? A helpful technique is the Eisenhower Matrix which splits tasks into 4 categories. Urgent and important is the first category, meaning the task needs immediate attention, like a project that’s due tomorrow. The next category is important but not urgent which means the task is important but doesn’t need to be done right away. An example of this is planning for a future event. Next up is urgent but not important which are tasks that feel urgent but may not actually be that important such as responding to a text that could wait for later. Last up is not urgent and not important which are distractions like scrolling through TikTok. By categorizing your tasks, you can focus on what truly matters and avoid distractions. It’s also important to learn the power of saying no. Learning to say no to extra commitments when you’re already overloaded is an important way to improve your mental health and not get too stressed out. It can be hard to say no for fear of disappointing others but it’s important to prioritize your boundaries. 

Creating a Time Management System that Works for You

Time management techniques should be uniquely tailored to your personal schedule and needs, and goals. Time blocking is a technique where you dedicate specific chunks of time to different tasks throughout your day. Use a planner or digital calendar to schedule your day hour by hour. For example, schedule to do homework from 4pm to 5pm and then have dinner from

5:30-6:30. Another method is to do lists. Either use a handwritten list in a notebook or a digital checklist to keep track of tasks. To-do lists may seem simple and obsolete but they can actually be a powerful tool to help you stay organized. It can also give you a sense of accomplishment when you get to check something off of your list. In addition to keeping a list of tasks, use a planner to help map out your time and organize your tasks by importance. Each week, take a few minutes to plan ahead and write down any upcoming due dates, events, or exams. By visually mapping out your week, you can see where your time is going and make adjustments as needed to avoid overwhelming yourself or wasting time. 

Keeping Consistent by Being Flexible

Creating a plan for time management is important but sticking to it is where the real challenge comes in. Life can be unpredictable so it’s important to stick to your plan while also being flexible to account for the things life throws at you. Assignments can take longer than expected or surprise events take up time you didn’t account for. Instead of getting frustrated when things change, try to adjust and move things around. This helps your time management plan be sustainable more long-term. Remember, your time-management plan is meant to work for you, not the other way around. The goal is to stay on track while maintaining balance so being flexible doesn’t mean you’re slacking off, it means you’re recognizing that life happens and it’s okay to adapt. Stick to small habits that are sustainable over time like setting achievable goals, establishing a daily routine, and using positive reinforcement. By staying flexible and choosing to focus on small achievable habits, you’re more likely to succeed in your time management goals in the long-term. 

Mastering time management is about understanding the importance of prioritization, identifying common time wasters, and being flexible to promote consistency. By developing a system that works for you, you can take control of your schedule and reduce the stress that may come along with it. With the right tools and mindset, you’ll feel more prepared, less stressed, and be ready to take on your schedule!

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