Hi Prosper Fam!👋 "Spring fever" is a term used to describe a general feeling of restlessness, excitement, or increased energy that people often experience as the weather warms up and days get longer. It’s commonly associated with the arrival of spring, when people may feel more distracted, eager to be outdoors, or less focused on their usual tasks. This can lead to a shift in priorities, making it harder to concentrate on work, school, or personal goals, especially if you're used to the slower pace of winter. In the context of mental health, spring fever could also refer to a temporary mood shift where people might feel more motivated or restless, but it can also lead to distractions that pull attention away from important goals or routines. As the seasons transition, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and lose focus of you mental health goals. But don't worry, we've got tips to help you stay grounded and keep making progress on your well-being, even when spring fever strikes! 🌷

🌼Acknowledge the Change
Sunny days are known to boost our serotonin levels making us overall more happy. We may feel more inclined to go outside and take on more adventures, especially after the slower pace of winter. This change can be positive for your mental health, but it can also lead to distractions that pull us away from healthy habits. The key is finding balance, this involves embracing the season while staying consistent with our wellness routines.
🌸Prioritize Self-Care in Your Schedule
Life gets busy, and it's easy to forget to set aside time for yourself. When school, work, or social plans start to feel overwhelming, take a moment to pause and ask yourself: How can I prioritize my well-being today? This can be watching your favorite show, taking a bath, or cooking a comfort meal. While the excitement of Spring may bring new distractions, make it a daily habit to do something that brings YOU joy.
☀️Embrace the Outdoors (Mindfully!)
Warmer weather makes it tempting to spend all day outside, but it's important to balance that with your responsibilities. Instead of letting the outdoors become a distraction, find ways to incorporate nature into your routine. Take a walk between classes, enjoy lunch outside, or maybe you work from home and can join a meeting from your backyard! As long as you are staying on top of habits and commitments, spending time outdoors can be positive for your mental health.
💐Reflect and Adjust Your Goals
With the change of season, it is important to reflect on how you're doing with your wellness goals. Ask yourself questions like: How did I grow this winter? What habits helped me feel my best and what did not serve me? What small changes can I make this Spring to support my mental health? By celebrating your progress and adjusting your goals, you can stay aligned with your well-being!
Spring is the perfect time for mental, physical, and emotional growth. The Prosper app is here for you every step of your journey. This Spring, let's set new habits, keep up with our journaling, and share our spring goals in the community! ☺️

🥳New Feature Alert
If you haven't checked it out yet we have a new 'Achievements' feature! This is a fun new way to celebrate your self-care progress! Find it under 'More' and start unlocking milestones today! 🏆💪

Check out our latest blog: The Impact of Racism and Microaggressions on Mental Health